

Look how wonderful work we have done!

Welcome to the Bernas Masonry portfolio page! Our work speaks for itself, showcasing the quality and craftsmanship that have earned us a stellar reputation in the Inland Empire. With over 15 years of experience, we have completed numerous projects that highlight our expertise in masonry.

Masonry Services You Can Trust

Business Growth

Here, you can browse through more than 100 customer portfolio pictures that demonstrate our dedication to excellence. From elegant stone patios to sturdy block walls and intricate brickwork, each project reflects our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

We invite you to explore our portfolio and see firsthand the beautiful and durable results we consistently deliver. Whether you’re considering a new hardscape patio, a custom fireplace, or any other masonry project, our portfolio offers a glimpse into the possibilities that await when you choose Bernas Masonry.

If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to contact us at (909) 770-0845. We look forward to working with you and adding your project to our gallery of success.


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Melbourne, Australia
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(10am - 05 pm)
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