Excellent Work

Our Portfolio

Our Work Speaks

Our 100+ portfolio pictures are a testament to the high standards we uphold, whether it’s residential or commercial projects, new constructions, or renovations.

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Where Craftsmanship Meets Excellence

Welcome to the Bernas Masonry portfolio page, where craftsmanship meets excellence. With over 15 years of experience serving the Inland Empire, we pride ourselves on delivering quality masonry services that stand the test of time. Our portfolio showcases a diverse range of projects, each reflecting our commitment to superior workmanship and customer satisfaction. From intricate stonework to sturdy bricklaying, our skilled masons bring precision and artistry to every job.

We are proud to have a high rating on Yelp, thanks to the positive feedback from our valued clients. Our reputation for excellence is built on consistent, high-quality work and outstanding customer service. 


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(10am - 05 pm)
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