Elevate Your Outdoor Space

About us

Discover Our Masonry Services

At Berna’s Masonry, we offer a comprehensive range of masonry services in the Inland Empire. With over 15 years of experience, our team of skilled craftsmen is dedicated to delivering high-quality workmanship and exceptional service on every project. Whether you’re looking to enhance the beauty of your home with a new patio or fireplace, or need repairs to your existing masonry, we have the expertise to meet your needs.






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Ready to transform your outdoor space?

Transforming Spaces with Quality Craftsmanship

At Berna’s Masonry, we offer a wide range of masonry services, including brickwork, stone masonry, concrete work, hardscaping, and pavers, all delivered with exceptional quality and attention to detail.

Masonry Construction

From new construction to renovations, we can help you bring your vision to life with our expert masonry services.


Whether you need a new brick wall, chimney, or other brickwork, our team has the skills and experience to deliver beautiful, lasting results.

Stone Masonry

Add elegance and sophistication to your home with our stone masonry services, including stone walls, fireplaces, and more.

Concrete Work

From driveways to sidewalks, our concrete work is built to last, providing durability. We use quality materials and expert craftsmanship for long-lasting results.

Repairs and Restorations

If your masonry has been damaged or is showing signs of wear, our team can provide expert repairs and restorations to bring it back to its original glory.

Hardscape and Pavers

We specialize in hardscaping and paver services to enhance the beauty and functionality of your outdoor spaces. We have the expertise to bring your vision to life.

We’re been fortunate to be industry leaders


Masonry, derived from the French word “masonnerie,” is the age-old craft of building with bricks, stones, or concrete blocks. Its history is rich and varied, with some of the most iconic structures in the world showcasing its enduring appeal. The Great Wall of China, a marvel of ancient engineering spanning over 13,000 miles, stands as a testament to the skill and ingenuity of masons throughout history. In ancient Egypt, masons were revered for their ability to construct massive stone structures like the pyramids, showcasing the craftsmanship and precision that defined their work.

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Hear What Our Clients Have to Say

Berna’s Masonry consistently receives positive reviews due to our unwavering commitment to quality craftsmanship, exceptional customer service, and dedication to exceeding our clients’ expectations.

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Contact Berna’s Masonry today to schedule a consultation. 

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